Who was He?

FM Alexander

Frederick Mathias Alexander (1869 -1955) was an Australian actor who had his performing career halted due to debilitating vocal issues incurable by doctors.

Taking responsibility for his own recovery, FM Alexander discovered the importance of the dynamic relationship of the head, neck and spine and how it affects the whole functioning of the body.

Foremost, he recognised musculoskeletal tension was the root cause and it was he himself who was creating the tension affecting his own reactions and movement patterns and interfering with the natural functioning of his body. He realised this was true of most people and set about a solution.

FM Alexander expanded and refined the technique, in Sydney and later in London, and was subsequently acclaimed by leading intellectuals and actors. He helped not only actors with their breathing, vocal and performance abilities but people of all walks of life restoring their health and wellbeing. In many cases reversing significant ailments.

Alexander technique further develops and is supported by clinical trials and scientific evidence.